Brooklynn Dean is the name of a body that houses so many dead people it must turn their souls into stories.
As a child, Brooklynn contemplated rock ballads, like those of Bon Jovi, and their lyrics, insisting that every line must have greater implications than the literal and simple message of each separate sentence, and put herself to sleep with tall-tales about "imaginary" people.
As she grew, she developed a greater love for song lyrics, poetry, and the written word, eventually becoming obsessed with novels, namely those of Chuck Palahniuk in the seventh grade.
When she entered into an AP English class in high school and was exposed to the world of analyzing and interpreting poetry, Brooklynn realized she could make a career out of one of her greatest pleasures-- tearing apart language and finding beauty in metaphor.
After obtaining a BA in English from the University of Pennsylvania, Brooklynn began taking her own writing very seriously, moving away from the childhood poems she'd written, the prose of her youth, and the short stories of her teenaged years.
After writing a myriad of short stories and one 70,000 word novel, Brooklynn sat down to write something with the intention of publishing.
Since then she has released four novels and one novelette, all of which are available in our shop on this website with the option of having them signed.
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